everything is so dark and loud. even worse, you're all alone.

you don't know what to do. you've been trapped in this forest for years now.

you tried to fight your way through it, but gave up. it was hopeless.

you decide to listen to music, just as you're beginning to calm down, you feel a monster watching you.

you feel terribly afraid and unsafe.



hiding doesn't help you. it's right in front of you now. the monster closes in on you, humming an eerie tune.

as it's music fills your ears, you begin to feel the overwhelming urge to harm yourself.

just as you're about to lower the blade to your thighs, you notice a bright light flooding through the leaves of the trees around you.

SELF HARM scampers away.

follow the light?

all the monsters that were once surrounding you and tormenting your brain begin to quiet down. you don't understand what's happening.

you feel safe. you feel loved. you feel happy.

you see an elf boy defeating and loving all of your flaws.

the flaws you once thought made you completely unloveable and ruined forever.

you want to be with him forever.

the elf boy stands in front of you, worn out from his battles.

he seems worried about you...you feel so loved.

just as you try wiping away your tears, he hugs you.

he hug you and tells you that it's all going to be okay now.

it's going to be okay and he's always gonna be here for you.

you're completely speechless, but manage a weak smile.

he pats your head and you tell him that you trust him and love him more than anything.

he promises to protect you and never leave your side.

he gives you your long lost bunny plush.

it fills you with happiness. you squeal and hug him, promising to be with him forever. suddenly, you realize he has your heart in his inventory. you want him to keep it.

he kisses you and you kiss him back.

you will be together forever.